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Matthew Drake Named a “Top 5 Under 35” Attorney

Matthew D. Drake has been recognized as one of the “Top 5” attorneys under the age of 35 in Ingham County for 2010. The award recipients were selected by the Board of Directors of the Ingham County Bar Association and recognized at the Association’s Barristers Night on April 22. The Board of Directors made its selection based upon the nominees’ legal scholarship, advancement of the legal profession, and community involvement and service. This is the first year the award has been given by the Bar Association. Mr. Drake joined the firm at its inception in 2008. He serves the firm’s many municipal clients as an assistant city, township, and village attorney. He also co-chairs the firm’s Trademark Practice Group, specializing in trademark registration and enforcement, where he devised the group’s unique four-step enforcement process to protect valuable trademarks. Mr. Drake is devoted to a number of causes – mainly the success of at-risk youths and the support of children with physical “differences.” Matt has mentored one young man in particular for many years. With Matt’s guidance and support, the young man is headed to college and surely, a successful career down the road.

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