Permit Conditions and Takings C...
In the children’s fairy tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” a little girl enters the home of the three bears while they are away. S...
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Dedicated to serving the legal needs of municipalities, franchised businesses, employers, and public utilities.
Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC is an experienced, trusted, and affordable municipal law firm in Michigan. Our municipal lawyers have well over 150 years of experience representing more than 150 townships, cities, villages, drain commissioners, and related municipal authorities. Our municipal lawyers are dedicated to the following qualities to keep our clients informed and well represented.
We constantly monitor rapidly changing municipal laws and issues, and we have instant access to state of the art, online legal research tools. We receive daily notifications of new appellate decisions and changes in statutes and regulations and are members and contributors to various municipal law listservs, including the Michigan Townships Association Community Connection and the Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys listserv.
We are members and affiliated service providers of the following:
We produce a monthly electronic newsletter for township officials, the Township Law E-Letter, and a quarterly newsletter for Drain Commissioners. Our municipal attorneys are also frequent lecturers and speakers at municipal and drain law seminars and conferences. Stay up to date with our latest speaking engagements and firm news, and read our Township and Drain Law e-letters to keep you informed.
For more information about our municipal law legal services, please contact us today and ask for a member of our Municipal Practice Group.
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In the children’s fairy tale “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” a little girl enters the home of the three bears while they are away. S...
Read MoreIn 2023, the Michigan legislature passed Act 235, requiring energy companies to meet continuously increasing clean energy standards. By 2040...
Read MoreNo. Michigan employers may not withhold a paycheck even if an employee (or former employee) has retained the employer’s property. The payc...
Read MoreTownships of all sizes rely on workers to carry out basic governmental functions and keep the township running smoothly. Although larger tow...
Read MoreA Township can only enter into such a sales contract if the property is no longer being used for a public purpose. Michigan courts have defi...
Read MoreFrom purchasing office supplies to selecting a contractor to renovate the Township Hall, townships enter into contracts in some shape or for...
Read MoreAt Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC, we’ve been helping municipalities, franchised businesses, employers, and more with their legal needs since 2008. We’d love to learn how we can help you, too.