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Creative Solutions for Our Clients

At Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC, we constantly challenge ourselves to think “outside the box” in order to achieve the goals of our clients. This was demonstrated recently by an FSBR attorney assisting a senior living facility facing potential foreclosure. Due to an unclear and cumbersome process in applying for a senior living facility property tax exemption, the facility was burdened with a previous year of tax liability even though it was exempt for all other years going forward. Due to the language of the existing law, the courts were unable to provide relief, leaving the facility with the substantial liability on the tax roll and county officials faced with the dilemma of how to resolve such a situation. While most law firms may have stopped efforts after an unsuccessful attempt in court, or incurred further costs with hopeless appeals, FSBR led an effort to collaborate with county officials, our legislative contacts, and the Department of Treasury to propose legislation that would not only provide a much needed revision to the exemption application process, but also create a mechanism by which the Department of Treasury can retroactively grant the tax exemption to the facility and make the county whole for the outstanding tax liability. The efforts were successful, as the legislation was signed into law by Governor Snyder on April 12, 2016, as Public Act 78 of 2016. 

We strive to provide creative and cost-effective solutions for all of our clients.  We would be pleased to put those efforts to work for you or your organization. Please feel free to contact us at 517.381.0100.

Recent Articles & Announcements

  1. Breaking: Legislators Make 11th ...

    The Earned Sick Time Act (“ESTA”) was set to go into effect at midnight, February 21. In a last-minute legislative compromise, the House...

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  2. Preparing Your Organization to C...

    A new mandatory paid sick time law will go into effect for all Michigan employers soon. After a lengthy legal battle, the Michigan Supreme C...

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  3. Can our Township Board appoint o...

    Generally, yes. The Township needs to consider implications from the Incompatible Public Offices Act, MCL 15.181 et seq. Generally, a public...

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