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No, but you may be required to publish a synopsis. There is no requirement to publish meeting minutes in a newspaper. However, some General ...
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In our March E-Letter, we recounted the serious setbacks that big box stores have been handing to taxing jurisdictions in the Michigan Tax Tribunal (MTT) for the last five years. The MTT has been assigning low taxable values to big box stores by comparing them to “dark” stores that sold for lesser uses. But recently there have been some positive developments, both in court and in the legislature. Although we are still far from solving this problem, we can offer some ideas for townships to turn the situation around in the months and years ahead.
Big box stores started to successfully challenge their property tax valuations in the MTT in late 2010. After a case out of Novi, MTT cases and settlements began to slash the taxable values of big box stores by 50% or more of their prior valuations.
The new valuation method used by the MTT in these big box cases incorrectly compares operating big box stores with “dark stores.” Dark stores are obsolete or failed stores that have become vacant or gone out of business and then are converted to some other use. For example, one dark stores the MTT used to value operating big box stores was a former Sam’s Club that closed, then sold, partially converted to an indoor go-cart track but never opened, then resold for use as a warehouse. Another dark store used by the MTT was purchased by a congregation for conversion to a church.
In other words, instead of using an “apples to apples” approach to set big box store values, the MTT has been improperly comparing “rotten apples to good apples,” valuing them as if they are the same. In case after case, the MTT used the same rotten apples to falsely prove that “apples just aren’t worth very much.”
As we advised in our March E-Letter, several dark stores the MTT used to value big box stores were not just old and obsolete, but they were sold with “deed restrictions” that prevented their future use for big box stores. So not only were they “rotten apples,” but they couldn’t be used as “apples” under any circumstances. Thus, the prices paid for these dark stores could not possibly reflect what a willing buyer would pay for a potential big box store.
Late last month, in a case involving the Menards in Escanaba, the Court of Appeals finally gave some careful consideration to the MTT’s new method of valuing big box stores. Although the MTT again valued that big box store based on a set of bad apples, the Court of Appeals held that it was inappropriate to use properties as comparables that were burdened by deed restrictions that did not allow use of the properties for retail stores. Therefore, since the MTT (and Menards) heavily relied on deed-restricted comparables in that case, the Court of Appeals reversed the MTT’s decision.
In place of the sales comparisons of the deed-restricted comparables relied on by the MTT, the Court of Appeals based the store’s value on the cost analysis used by Escanaba’s assessor. The cost approach, including a factor for depreciation, reached a more reasonable assessment of the property’s value, in the Court’s opinion.
After suffering this setback, we can expect future big box stores to avoid deed-restricted comparables in their sales comparison analysis. But we do not expect the big box stores (or some of the MTT judges) to entirely give up their “dark store” approach to valuation in future cases.
Half of the dark store “comparables” used by Menards in the Escanaba case did not have deed restrictions. Therefore, in future cases we expect to see big box store appraisers continue to use the “bad apples” that do not have deed restrictions as their comparables. So, although Escanaba was a good first step to return sanity and equity to big box cases, still more needs to be done.
As we reported in March, a number of attempts were made in 2015 to introduce legislative bills to solve the problems of big box store valuations. Unfortunately, none of those bills were able to achieve a level of support necessary to move forward.
But that all changed in April 2016, when Rep. David Maturen (R-Brady Twp) introduced HB 5578 in the House. His bill gained quick acceptance and momentum, moving to the House floor and receiving an overwhelming vote of passage in the House earlier this month. The bill is now in the Senate, waiting to be considered by the Senate Finance Committee.
HB 5578 attempts to re-emphasize appraisal principles that the MTT has unfortunately lost sight of in its line of big box cases. It does not apply only to big boxes, but attempts to apply principles that should guide the MTT in every case. It requires the MTT to, among other things:
HB 5578 merits considerate review and adoption by the Senate, in our opinion, because it rationally explains how appraisal science requires property values to be determined. And although it does not focus on big box cases, it demonstrates everything that has been wrong about the MTT’s handling of big box cases over the last several years.
— William K. Fahey
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Fahey Schultz Burzych Rhodes PLC, Your Township Attorneys, is a Michigan law firm specializing in the representation of Michigan townships. Our lawyers have more than 150 years of experience in township law, and have represented more than 150 townships across the state of Michigan. This publication is intended for our clients and friends. This communication highlights specific areas of law, and is not legal advice. The reader should consult an attorney to determine how the information applies to any specific situation.
No, but you may be required to publish a synopsis. There is no requirement to publish meeting minutes in a newspaper. However, some General ...
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