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Our Township’s master plan is 11 years old. Should the Township look at reviewing its master plan?

Yes. The Michigan Planning and Enabling Act seeks to have municipalities that have exercised their zoning powers to conduct a review of their master plans every five years. Thus, it will be of value for you to look at reviewing your master plan consistent with the Planning and Enabling Act. Many townships conduct this process on their own following the steps set forth in the Act. Others also contract with planning consultants to complete the process. Regardless of the process you choose, maintaining an updated Master Plan is helpful for the Township’s zoning functions. For instance, the Master Plan will be helpful in reviewing any requested rezoning or proposed textual amendments. The Master Plan and its future land use goals are also regularly integrated into the special land use review process, and those bodies conducting those reviews may be benefited by a timely Master Plan with confirmed future land use goals.

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